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Well Rooted Breastfeeding

A monthly mini-membership for nourishing resilience, cultivating community and expanding knowledge throughout your feeding journey from prenatal preparation to weaning.

Your breastfeeding journey began well before this moment…well before the arrival of your baby.

It actually began early in your own life.

During childhood, cultural and family stories about early mothering, infant feeding and infant sleep, were quietly woven into your unconscious…

…good mothers are selfless, organized, productive

…good mothers feed their babies a certain way

…good mothers have babies who sleep through the night

And throughout your lifetime, those messages have been further reinforced by family, friends, media. If you’re like many of the mothers I work with, you’ve heard or read a lot about what makes a good mother, along with all of the great things about breastfeeding. You may have even thought ‘it’s natural so it must be easy to figure out’.

Health organizations and governments throughout the world promote the benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies and recommend exclusive breastfeeding to six months with the addition of solid foods around that time and continued breastfeeding to two years and beyond.

It’s a beautiful intention to aim for but in many countries, the support for mothers to fulfill that intention is incredibly inadequate – even more so when things don’t unfold as we hoped…

…labour and birth interventions delay mature milk production and establishing breastfeeding feels like an uphill battle

…breastfeeding starts out OK then a change in baby’s behaviour has us questioning our milk supply

…night feeds are more exhausting than we thought they’d be and instead of helping us find the support we need, someone suggests offering formula because ‘breastfeeding isn’t enough’

…breastfeeding is painful and we’re not sure why

…we’re told that breastfeeding to sleep creates a bad habit (even when it’s working for us)

…and then the guilt and shame – Why can’t I do this for my baby? What’s wrong with me? What am I doing wrong?

Too often, persistent challenges, inaccurate or poor advice and lack of the right support leads to stopping our breastfeeding journey sooner than intended.

And with that…grief.

Well Rooted Breastfeeding isn’t your average breastfeeding course

It's low cost monthly membership program focused on getting to the root of potential or current breastfeeding challenges by exploring your own journey to this moment, identifying stories about feeding you've learned along the way – from family and culture – and focusing on engaging with the stories and support people most aligned with your breastfeeding intentions.

Beyond the usual how-to information for positioning, latch and feeding, the content library also offers guidance on foundational strategies for intentionally cultivating your breastfeeding journey and addressing common challenges that mothers encounter.

And, the program includes a private community, away from social media, to connect with other mother and to create further clarity on the content you're exploring and ask general questions about your own journey.


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Inner Wisdom is available to guide you and your baby.

Proud Parents

Both mothers and babies have natural feeding instincts that are most effective when they feel safe and held by the people around them. Aligned family and social support, along with community based and professional support have been shown to optimize breastfeeding outcomes and minimize feeding and postpartum mental health challenges.

In Well Rooted Breastfeeding, you’ll explore the basics of gathering your village and simple practices for calming the stress response and promote feelings of safety and support. One of the biggest obstacles that prevents mothers from asking for the support they need is the belief that everyone is busy with their own lives and families. I have learnt that despite the busy-ness, most people are willing to help when they are provided with specific asks:


  • a trip to the grocery store to gather items on your list

  • a load of laundry done on a specific day

  • a set day + time to hold the baby while you nap

  • a few batches of a specific recipe prepared + packaged for your freezer

  • a ride to + from an appointment

  • a judgement + advice-free listening ear…

As you're guided through the basics of gathering your village, the Well Rooted Breastfeeding bonus section includes a recipe guide full of delicious, nutritious meals and snacks that can be easily prepped by you or batch cooked by support people for your freezer.

Infant feeding as part of the ecosystem of early mothering.

Your breastfeeding journey occurs in relationship with so many other facets of your postpartum journey. Sleep and feeding are deeply interconnected and often misunderstood. Challenges with one often impact the other and making changes to one often shifts the other.

That's why the bonus section of Well Rooted Breastfeeding, includes a 60-minute pre-recorded session on Normal Infant Sleep + Nighttime Parenting, so expectations around sleep are set based on normal development and you have some tools for exploring and addressing your experiences, no matter what unfolds.

Program Features

Well Rooted Breastfeeding Library

Preparing Healthy Foundations for Your Breastfeeding Journey


Cultivating Your Postpartum + Infant Feeding Support Village


Breath: Practices for Your Feeding Journey


Breastfeeding Basics: Breast Milk, Feeding Hormones, Skin to Skin, Your Newborn’s Tummy


Positioning, Latch + Feeding


Addressing Common Challenges: Sore Nipples, Engorgement, Blocked Ducts, Mastitis

Bonus Material

Prenatal Hand Expression + Colostrum Collection

Managing Breast Engorgement with Eryn Matheson, PT

Normal Infant Sleep + Nighttime Parenting

Breastfeeding + Contraception

Healthy Postpartum Village Recipe Guide with Dough*Lena


Private Online Community

Practice grounding and breath for nourishing the nervous system

Create further clarity on the topics covered in the content library

Receive support for using the tools and strategies provided

Ask general questions about your own journey

Connect with other mothers in the program


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